Cam’s Stone Stiles Walk
This is an updated version of a leaflet produced by Cam Wildlife Group. In addition to the stiles, there is the added bonus of some spectacular views. The numbers given to each stone stile connect to a survey of their condition and are not linked to an OS map.
Details and start point
Distance: 2.5 miles
Distance: 4 km
Grid Reference: SO749004
What 3 Words: congas.plays.nicely
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Step by Step Directions
The walk starts outside the Cam Parish Council offices in Noel Lee Way, Cam. Walk to the roundabout and carefully cross Noel Lee Way and High Street to come to the right side of the A4135, Cam Pitch.Proceed up Cam Pitch (a steep wooded road). Ignore the first foot path (FP) sign and turn right at the concrete bollards amongst the trees into Blind Lane. This is a wooded lane which was once a road but is now a quiet footpath.
br> Walk to the end, cross the road (Manor Avenue) and continue up the lane. Stone Stile SS13 is on your left at the junction with the tarmac lane (Map Ref 745 002).
These SS13 stones have been re-sited when the estate was built. It was agreed that they should be preserved as a heritage feature but sadly the agreement was misunderstood, the stone was broken and sited either side of the path.
Carry straight on along the lane, sign-posted The Quarry and Stinchcombe. Pass a house on the right and take the next footpath to the right.Stop and take in the view of the Severn and Cam valleys. This is the beginning of a beautiful landscape that will follow you during this walk. The Malverns, Gloucester Cathedral, May Hill and many other landmarks are visible on a good day.
Follow the track keeping the old farm house on your left. Go through the kissing gate where a stone stile, SS7, used to be and keep alongside the hedge on your left until you reach another kissing gate on the left. Go through this kissing gate.
This path runs between wooden fences. Part way through this fenced section you'll find the next stone stile, SS6, at Map Ref 740 004. This stone stile was in poor condition after a vehicle hit it but it has been reinstated. The stile is no longer used and the path passes to the right of it.

Continue along the fenced path, go through the gap in the hedge, turn immediately right and enter Field Lane.Beware of traffic! Not many vehicles use this road but they sometimes travel very quickly for the conditions.
There is a stone stile, SS2, in front of you on the other side of Field Lane at Map Ref 738 004. This stone has a modern stile built around it, giving it some protection.
Cross the stile and follow the path between the hedges, one old and the other a recent addition. Here you have a wonderful view of the river - Saul to Sharpness.Skirt around the disused pond on the right. There are four beautiful "guardian" trees in front of you. Walk to the far, right corner of the field. Tucked away in this corner of the field with the four trees on your left you will find another stone stile, SS3A at Map Ref 734 004.
This stone is in good condition but gets covered with nettles and brambles during the summer. It needs straightening slightly but isn’t used now because there is a wooden stile next to it which you need to cross.
Follow the footpath ahead and go through the kissing gate, keeping near the hedge on your right.If you continue straight ahead to the stile at the bottom of this field, you will find SS4 at Map Ref 733 004 which you can visit if you wish. This stone stile is tilted away from the vertical and is used as a stepping stone for the wooden stile.
However, before you get there, halfway down the field near the large oak our route takes the wooden stile on your right. You are now at the furthest point from the start and approximately halfway round the walk.
Take the footpath that crosses the field diagonally to a point halfway along the opposite hedge. At this point the M5 is the dominant feature making itself heard to your left.Cross the dip and the next stone stile, SS14, at Map Ref 735 005. This stile is in good condition and has taken over the main route leaving the adjacent wooden stile hidden in brambles.
Follow the path along the hedge and, at the end of the hedge, continue straight on across the open field.

At the gap in the next hedge walk carefully down the slope keeping the trees to your left and you are back in Field Lane.Once again be aware of occasional, possibly fast moving, traffic.
Turn left and follow the road for about 30 metres, then turn right at the footpath sign and here is a fine stone stile, SS5, supported by steps (Map Ref 737 007). This is a very large stone in great condition.
Go over the stile and carry straight on. Cross the dip and wooden stile and walk across the next field, slowly losing the M5, thank goodness.Go through the hole in the hedge and over a steep stile. Continue the line through the field before going through the metal farm gate onto Woodend Lane.
Beware of traffic in this narrow lane! Immediately opposite you, hidden deeply in the hedge, is another stone stile, SS15, at Map Ref 744 007. This is not on an existing footpath but on one that appears on the 1953 definitive map and has since been diverted.
Turn right along Woodend Lane and pass farm buildings that were once a microbrewery on your left. At the junction with Manor Avenue carefully cross and follow the short footpath down the slope opposite.At the road, turn right and follow it to a T junction. Turn left and follow the road to its end at a T-junction, by the Jubilee Tree.
Turn right along the main road, cross the controlled crossing and continue along the road to the roundabout. You will now see the car park with the Parish Council building behind and the walk is complete.

Enjoy your walk!
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